Academy of Business

Mattie T. Blount High School Academy of Business, Information Technology, and Marketing Sales and Promotions will prepare students for the workforce through a comprehensive educational curriculum. Academic content at BHS are combined with hands-on experience to assist students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills necessary for the workforce after high school or postsecondary education. The academy's curriculum is aligned to address the unique needs of business and industry as well as academic rigor. These Pathways are delineated in a three course sequence coupled with job shadowing, internship/apprenticeships, and program credentialing. Additionally, the BHS Business Academy is designed for students who are interested in exploring careers in management, marketing, and advanced technology. Students also have the option to participate in technical dual enrollment classes through Bishop State Community College.

Course Sequence and Career Readiness Indicator(s)

Pathway: Business Managements Indicator(s) Administration/Information Technology

  • Foundations: Business Technology Applications, Advanced Business Technology Applications and Multimedia Design or Multimedia Publications
  • CRI: Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS)

Pathway: Marketing

  • Foundations: Business Technology Applications, (Two Choices) Marketing Principles, Entrepreneurship or Marketing Sales & Promotion
  • CRI: Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS)

Career Tech Student Organization: Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) and DECA

Course Descriptions

Advanced Business Technology Applications: A one-credit course that provides students with project-based applications of concepts learned in Business Technology Applications or Business Essentials. Students will use various software applications to prepare documents for publication and generating information. The prerequisite for this course is Business Technology Applications or Computer Applications.

Business Technology Applications (BTA): A one-credit foundation course designed to assist students in developing technological proficiencies in word processing, spreadsheets, databases, presentations, communications, Internet use, ethics, and careers using technology applications. (Tenth Grade Foundation Class)

Entrepreneurship: A one-credit course designed to provide students with the skills needed to effectively organize, develop, create, and manage a business. This course includes business management and entrepreneurship, communication and interpersonal skills, economics, and professional development foundations.

Multimedia Design: A one-credit course designed to provide students with hands-on skills involving graphic design, digital photography, Web publishing, and digital video production. Students use various hardware peripherals and software for completing documents.

Multimedia Publications: A one-credit course designed to provide students with the ability to utilize digital equipment and multimedia digital imaging software, produce interactive media projects, and develop publication layouts. Students use various hardware peripherals as well as the Internet for integrating skills to create a variety of publications.

Marketing Principles: A one-credit course designed to provide students with an overview of in-depth marketing concepts. Students develop a foundational knowledge of marketing and its functions, including marketing information management, pricing, product and service management, entrepreneurship, and promotion and selling.

Sales and Promotions: Sales and Promotions is a one-credit course that provides the tools necessary for the development, implementation, and management of promotional programs. The focus of this course is on utilizing promotional knowledge and skills for communicating information to achieve a desired outcome.